Pulling the Right Levers
I've never been a big gamer, but I've always liked the Sim City series.
The game gives you a lot of choices over what to build, how to configure your city, and how to distribute your resources. Unlike side-scrollers or racing games, simulation games aren't linear. While some configurations are more optimal than others, there are virtually unlimited ways to build your city.
I've recently started to feel like running my business is a bit like a larger, higher-stakes version of Sim City.
Now that I've got key people running all the primary roles in the business, my job is to keep track of the key metrics and move levers accordingly to keep us headed in the right direction.
For example, if I see fewer leads coming in each week, I dive into our marketing channels and see what's not working anymore.
If we have a higher revision rate than normal, I can push the team to re-assess our processes and add resources accordingly.
It didn't feel like this in the first few months though.
I was just another Sim on the street, unable to zoom out and pay attention to metrics because my whole world was the job in front of me and the next one on the horizon. I was essentially operating the business from a to-do list.
Getting your business to a point where you feel more like you're watching numbers and pulling levers instead of fixing all the machines yourself is a really good place to be. It's what professional entrepreneurs do, and it allows you to make more objective, data-driven decisions rather than running on feelings alone.
You don't need to get lost in these things when you're just trying to make your first sale, but eventually dashboards, metrics, financial projections, and modeling are your whole job as a leader.
PS: I don't want to downplay the seriousness of the decisions I have to make as a business owner!
My livelihood is on the line just like my employees', so unlike Sim City, every decision is made with group input and serious consideration of the consequences. I know the analogy isn't perfect, but it's an interesting way to think about it.
Using Trello for Project Management
I’ve been using Trello for project management for years. While it’s not the only tool I recommend, it is one of the easiest to use, most flexible, and most reliable of the many I’ve tried.
Content Marketing At Early Stage Startups
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The Siren Song of the ‘User’ Model
"60% of the way through the development process, the designers discover that they pictured a different ‘user’ than the product team did. When this happens, the engineers usually have to undo/redo a ton of work."
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Using the Zone of Proximal Development to Build Better Engineering Teams
The zone of proximal development (abbreviated ZPD) describes the area of tasks that a learner can do only with a little bit of help.
Tasks that have already been mastered aren’t pushing the engineer enough, while tasks that are too advanced will be impossible for them to grasp. As an engineer learns, their zone of proximal development will change. Good leaders must create a framework for moving the bar a little bit higher every time that happens.
Why employee side projects are good for your company
"A leader should be attempting to maximize the creative energy of a team, not hamper it. If an employee is passionate about something outside of the company, hampering the passion will do harm, not good. Encouraging that passion comes with zero downsides. What’s the worst that could happen?"
Entrepreneurial Leadership: Inspiring, Aligning, and Managing Your Team
I was having a conversation with a friend recently and she told me about her boss, the founder of the small company she works at. Her department’s been struggling a lot in the past few months, but instead of rolling up his sleeves to offering to help them get through it, his reply was, “I’m sorry you’re going through that.”
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"Sprinters don’t accelerate to the top by acquiring the perfect pedigree. They do it by making bold career moves over the course of their career that catapult them to the top."