Draft.dev CEO, Karl Hughes on Developer Marketing
A very surreal thing happened to me last week. TechCrunch devoted an entire article to my company, Draft.dev.
As a long-time reader of the publication, this was really an honor. Almost all of our clients have been (or want to be) featured on the site at some point, so getting our company into the conversation there was a huge validation.
I can't take too much of the credit here though. I'm really proud of what our team has been able to do as I've handed much of the day-to-day writing, editing, and account management work off to them. It's amazing what a good group of people with repeatable processes can get done.
The other group of people I have to thank are our customers. Several of them actually nominated us for this feature and their testimonials were the reasons we were brought in.
I am still learning a lot about running a successful business, but some days, it almost feels like I've figured some of this out.
The Five Things Great B2B SaaS Marketers Do
The five are: onboarding, content marketing, conferences, engineering as marketing, partner and reseller programs, but there's much more to learn in this Twitter thread from Corey Haines.
The Startup Tools I Can’t Live Without
I’ve always liked trying new software tools, but the more experienced I get, the more solid my business operating system has gotten. As I refine the toolset I use for running my startup, I like to keep a running list of the tools that I use and recommend.
73% of Employers Want Candidates Who Can Write
"If you are trying to decide among a few people to fill a position, hire the best writer...Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Great writers know how to communicate. They make things easy to understand. They can put themselves in someone else's shoes. They know what to omit. And those are qualities you want in any candidate."
Oxymoron: Job listings spike for corporate creators
"While many companies are seeking creators to craft brand-specific content, Thinknum notes that most of these positions are not eyeing traditional creators. Rather, they’re looking for engineers, partnership managers, or other professionals that can attract creators to their platforms."
Hugo vs. Gatsby
As with any new innovation in tech, there are a plethora of companies offering competing JAMStack options. In this comparison, we'll weigh Hugo and Gatsby as they stand today so you can see which might be best for your static site.
Learn How to Ask for Help
"Every time I work with other people, I'm happily surprised at how they think. They develop alternatives I don't consider. That's because they see data I don't have."
Building a Great Startup Culture
Culture is the difference between a sales force that lies to customers and one that provides real value. It’s the difference between a team that works for the weekend and one that believes in and supports your company’s mission. It’s the difference between political backstabbing and a team that collaborates to solve problems.