On finding your passion
My parents took winding career paths.
My mom went from stay-at-home mom to retail to a master's degree all while I was in elementary school.
My dad went from insurance to salvage to estate sales to owning an antique store.
I've secretly always hoped my career would follow a similarly winding series of little careers, and so far it has. I think a lot of people look at this as a "lack of focus" or "wandering," but I think it's actually a much more fulfilling ride than the alternative. Cullin McGrath writes similar things in this piece:
"To me, our interests can be very similar to a beautiful garden. Each new input can evolve over time into something that is so much more. Given that you care for it. Also, no one ever just grows a single rose. They grow a rose garden."
There is no such thing as a "dream job" or if there is, it isn't a static place. If you ever reach it, there will undoubtedly be another hill to climb; another "dream job" to chase.
So enjoy the journey and let yourself meander.
Technical Content for Software Startups
Draft.dev creates blog posts and tutorials designed to reach software engineers. Stop begging your engineers to write and start producing more content today!
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