Compound Career Interest
One of the biggest reasons people don't start something is that the road to success is long and hard to visualize.
For example, I've had a retirement saving goal for the past few years. That target number is pretty big - much more than I've ever made in a year - and I only save a fraction of my paycheck each year to boot. So how can I ever get there?
The financially savvy among you will be shouting, "Compound Interest!" right about now, and you're right, but compound interest applies to more than just money.
Compound interest applies to skills, experience, relationships - just about any valuable asset.
For example, knowing how to play piano very well is a great skill on its own, but it can be hard to make a living as a musician. If you layer on the skill of teaching though, you've got a long-term career.
Similarly, knowing how to write is a great skill, but it's also difficult to make a living as a fiction writer. That said, you can layer writing skills with a network in the world of publishing to exponentially increase your chances for success.
This stacking of assets, network, and knowledge is why your career potential grows exponentially even if you don't focus on just one area of expertise. This is especially true in areas where the conventional wisdom is to "master your craft" instead of finding a workaround.
So, when you feel like you'll never reach your goals, instead of getting down about it, keep compound interest in mind. You might be getting closer than you think.
Software Engineers: Get Paid to Write
If you're a software developer and you want to build your personal brand while getting paid to write about interesting technical topics, Draft.dev is for you.
10 Years of Indie Hacking to an Overnight Success
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Selling and Marketing Unsought Products
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Think Different. Think Users.
"I’m not saying that you should deliberately try to think of weird ideas, but rather that you should be willing to explore weird ideas in the process of making your users happy."
damoeb/rss-proxy: Create an RSS or ATOM feed of almost any website
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Make it work, Make it right and make it better.
"Human behavior is profoundly affected by its environment — [Broken windows] are a declaration that the environment is uncontrolled and uncontrollable."
My Recommendations for New Bootcamp Grads
I've been a guest lecturer at half a dozen coding bootcamps, so students frequently ask me what they should do after they graduate.
I enjoy talking with them about their specific goals, but I figured I would compile a starting point here as well. Here's what I recommend.
How to be a Great Technical Interviewer
"Studies concluded that the technical interview is useless at predicting job performance. While I don’t believe that we should abandon the technical interview altogether, I think I’m in a position to outline a few of the problems with the technical interview and propose alternative solutions."
How to Write Technical Thought Leadership
Let me be honest, I don’t like the term, “Thought Leadership.” It’s too vague. Marketing people often apply it to writing that is neither thoughtful nor leading anything.